MindGenius is capable of exporting to and importing directly from the following mobile applications:
MindGenius for iPad
Thinking Space*
In addition, MindGenius can export and import the OPML format. This is a common format used by mobile applications and will allow you to export your map structure to another device and/or platform.
Please note that due to limitations on the functionality available in mobile mind mapping applications it is not always possible to export all data associated with your map. You should therefore always ensure that you save your map in MindGenius format (.mgmx) prior to exporting.
*Thinking Space and iThoughts have been acquired by Mindjet and rebranded as Mindjet applications. Since the acquisition Mindjet have removed the ability to export in MindGenius format. In order to continue using MindGenius with either of these products you should install an older version that is not branded as Mindjet.