MindGenius Desktop is a Windows-specific application which integrates well with Microsoft Office applications.
All versions of MindGenius since MindGenius 4 are compatible with 32- and 64- bit versions of Microsoft Windows desktop operating system up to, and including, Windows 10.
To find the operating system version and specific edition that you're using:
On Windows 8 and Windows 10:
- Press the "Windows key"+"X" combination
- Select System
- Note the details under the Windows Edition section of the System dialog
On Windows Vista and Windows 7:
- Open the start menu and right-click Computer
- Select Properties
- Note the details under the Windows Edition section of the System Properties dialog
On Windows XP:
- Open the start menu and right-click My Computer
- Select Properties
- Note the details under the Windows Edition section of the System Properties dialog
(MindGenius 2 and older are not supported beyond Windows XP.)