Logical grouping of branches, indicated by a category icon.
Category Group
A logical grouping of similar categories, e.g. status categories, red-amber-green categories etc.
Category Icon
An icon representing a category, e.g. red, amber and green icons representing the red-amber-green group. The category icon appears inside the branch as categories are assigned.
Category Map
A new map created from the current map, with branches arranged by assigned category.
Category Pane
Area of the Task Pane that allows the quick application of categories to branches.
Child Branch
A branch connected to a branch that is one level closer to the root. See also Parent Branch.
A brief note added to branches while the map is in review mode. Comments can be viewed by the map owner.
% Complete
The relative percentage of a task that has been completed at this time. This field is linked to Status. Setting 0% sets Not Started. Setting 100% sets Completed.
Compressed Package
A zip package containing the map and any attachments. Zip packages can reduce your file size and allow maps and attachments to be sent as a single file.
A filter condition is a statement that consists of a branch property, an operator and if required a value for the operator to act on, e.g. Action Start Date equal to '25/03/2005'.
The visible link between branches.
Connector Style
The line and end-point style of connectors, e.g. arrow at both ends, no arrow etc.
Connector Type
The shape of the connector, e.g. direct, curved, angled etc.
Core Branch
The branch at the centre of the map from which all others grow. See also Root.
The cost of a branch or task. Cost can be rolled-up to create a summary at a higher level.
Critical Path
The series of linked tasks that determine the end date of the project. Slippage in a critical task will impact the project end date.
Current View
The branches currently visible on screen, excluding filtered-out and collapsed branches and any branches not visible due to the focused view.
Custom Level Style
A style that has been created by the user that was not installed by MindGenius and has been assigned to a level.
Custom Style
A style that has been created by the user that was not installed by MindGenius.