Create a New Map Using the Template Pane

MindGenius V5 saw the introduction of the Template and Support Pane.

From here, you can quickly and easily get started with a new blank map, or choose a template to get you started from a range of categories.

To Create a New Blank Map:

  1. Switch to the "Home" ribbon and toggle on the "Show Template" command
  2. Click the "New Blank Map" tile
  3. Enter a title for the new map

To Create a New Map Based on a Template:

  1. Switch to the "Home" ribbon and toggle on the "Show Template" command
  2. Click a template category from the template gallery
  3. Click a template to use
  4. Enter or accept the map title

Once your map has been created you can start adding branches of your own by type and return


The Template Pane



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